The Serenity Prayer is best known for it’s use by Alcoholics Anonymous. It’s one of the smartest pieces of text I’ve come across:
read full postFocusing on your “Circle Of Influence”

The Serenity Prayer is best known for it’s use by Alcoholics Anonymous. It’s one of the smartest pieces of text I’ve come across:
read full postAfter visiting Dr. Jamie Pennebaker at the University of Texas in Austin, I’ll be headed west and north to meet Dr. Lew Goldberg in Eugene Oregon. Quite a trip between these two points, and two sites that come in mind along the way are Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon […]
read full postWhen I started riding, I was astonished to find that being on the back of a motorcycle is a true meditative experience. Of course, when you look at a guy sitting on a cruiser laying one foot on the floorboards and the other one on the highway bars, you do get the impression that it’s […]
read full postThe trip is six weeks away, and it’s time to put on a windshield, saddlebags, engine bars, a backrest, perhaps a new seat, oh – and handlebars-mounted speakers! Let me know of any good equipment you’ve used and liked. I’ve got to start dressing up this cycle for the road!
read full postNew York bikers – hope you can ride with me on my first day. We meet at the Shell gas station in next to the Tappan Zee bridge Tarrytown, NY (372 South Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10537) RSVP HERE Countdownr
read full postTo go through a journey you need ample energy and strength, so you are not drained and depleted when you hit the challenges of the road. And to be strong, one has to train. And who knows more about training than The US Army? Together with a team of scientists led by Dr. Marty Seligman […]
read full postOn July 15th I rode with Tom and Billy to the top of Bear Mountain where we stopped to talk about motorcycling, how it changed in the past 40 years, how our families accept the fact that we ride, and about our own different journeys. Tom is the president of the motorcycle club I belong […]
read full postSeeking enlightenment and serenity is an ongoing journey, not a goal or a destination. Making a decision to pursue your inner peace is like making a decision to get in shape: The real goal is to change your mindset, so that you actually enjoy leading a healthy life. If you are overly focused on a […]
read full postInsights Magazine is published by The Coach Exchange monthly. This article includes an joint interview with Deepak Chopra and me, talking about inspiration, technology, inner peace, and Ride Of Your Life. Click here for a downloadable PDF or on the picture for an interactive version!
read full postOn July 28th I had a conversation with Stacey Chadwell from The Coach Exchange Blog Talk Radio. We talked about technology as a means of fostering behavior change, about well-being, and about Ride Of Your Life. Check it out here: Listen to internet radio with Thecoachexchange on Blog Talk Radio
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